herbal allies

plantkin for when the only way out is through


  • Plant medicine has the capacity to hold, ground and inspire us through transformation and change. In order to survive these times, we are all called on to grieve, rage, reflect, integrate, heal, re-member, renew and imagine if we want to get free. Our plant allies can make all the difference in our energetic presence to process and sense of interconnection with land and spirit.

    During intake appointments, we will review a comprehensive health history and explore the type of support you’re looking for in your current processes of transformation. How has it been to inhabit your body? What is the temperament of your spirit? What type of tension, reactivity, stagnation, disturbances or barriers are you noticing? What type of energetic presence would you call on to help you across the threshold before you?

    Within ten days of your intake, you will receive an email with herbal considerations and an offer to purchase custom blended tinctures (all alcohol-based at this time).

    Follow up appointments are recommended to assess effectiveness, shifts in your embodied experience, and adjustments to your custom blends.

    • You are grieving, raging, restoring, integrating, opening or otherwise shapeshifting.

    • You could use some additional support to feel held or encouraged as you change.

    • You know that the movement for liberation is stronger when you are accessing care.

    • You are interested in deepening your relationship to plantkin.

    • If you are interested in custom blends, you are able to take alcohol-based plant medicine.

  • $175 Intake Appointment (90min)

    $80 Follow Up Appointments (45min)

    Tinctures priced separately.

    Inquire for sliding scale availability.

  • I do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any substance as a form of treatment for any medical ailment, either directly or indirectly.

    These products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.Item description.

Let’s Connect

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